lørdag den 19. januar 2008

Oh Kiki!

Last night I had the pleasure of seeing Miyazaki’s Kiki’s Delivery Service – a cartoon version of a Japanese children’s book. Being a fan of cool cartoons, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it before, it was made in 1989! But as it has never been in Danish film distribution until now and since Miyazaki only recently is popping up in Danish cinemas, I guess it is understandable.Kiki’s Delivery Service tells the stores of the young witch Kiki who leaves home to complete her witches training with a year of living independently. Bringing only her broom and her talking black cat Iji, Kiki enters a big city. I was especially fascinated by the way the city ‘Koriko’ is portrayed both in the drawn details and with interesting sound bites. And as you get to see the city from many different perspectives (Kiki’s flying over and around) - it adds a sense of space and movement that I have never seen before.

The overall attention to charming details is also seen in the way this film pays attention to lifestyle. Kiki’s shopping for food and the painter’s messy hut in the wood are all good examples of that. The story in itself is about how Kiki builds up her delivery service and has to grow up and find her own inspiration to be a witch. It is told in a cute, funny and original way and I like that it avoids being too predictable, even though the story line is simple.
Overall, Kiki’s Delivery Service made the inner 10-year-old nerd girl jump up and down and really wish she could be a witch too.

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