mandag den 19. januar 2009

Let the right one in

Last night I went to see the Swedish vampire film ‘Let the right one in’. It is based on a book by John Ajvide Lindqvist and it is directed by Thomas Alfredson.
It is the first Scandinavian vampire movie I have ever seen and I must admit that it scared the shit out of me.
Take all our cold, dark winters, add a bit of the classical social realism in the form of a young boy being bullied at school and then stir in a vampire tale. It is actually sort of comic in places and also kind of sweet in other parts but for some reason also really alarming. – I guess it’s the mix of all those things so familiar and then such a twist of horror.
I won’t write anything about what happens as it would spoil the plot. But the two main characters a young girl and boy really shine through making you sympathise with all the killing and bloodshed.
The film is so original with its quite realism and a story that is totally unpredictable and well written.

1 kommentar:

Romeika sagde ...

I loved this film, it was original, not to mention thrilling. Such a breath of fresh air, impossible not to cheer for the two main characters.