onsdag den 19. marts 2008

Copenhagen under attack

I’ve decided to start something new on this blog. From this month I will give you a monthly feature of some of my favourite places around Copenhagen. The ‘Place of the month’-series will both include old and new venues around town and I also plan to write about more random places. The first place Nerd Girl attacks and thus also The Place of the Month in March is :


This is a relatively new Spanish bookstore and café. Unfortunately I don’t speak Spanish yet (but I actually plan to take a Spanish class in the fall) so I couldn’t enjoy the many different books; novels, cookbooks, biographies of Spanish icons. But you don’t have to be Spanish or know the language to feel at home there. I’ve always liked the concept of book cafes and even though they are becoming popular in Copenhagen there are still too few. I like book cafes where the books are more than decorative porps and where the environment at the same time is cosiere than the library.

At Rayuela the atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable. People come by to read books and enjoy the delicious food. There is a soothing calm about the place which together with the Spanish music makes you lean back and forget yourself.
Originally named after the book ‘Rayuela’ by the Argentinean author Julio Cortázar the café offers all types of Spanish delicacies and a very good coffee.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sagde ...

I discovered this place last night while i was surfing the net. i would like to visit Copenhagen and Rayuela. I like Cortázar so much.